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First experts then founders


Pharmacist and cosmetologist, Founder

If something different comes out of the initial idea, it means it is the right way. With his degree in Pharmacy and master's degree in Cosmetology, Alessandro is able to translate any difficult concept from the world of cosmetics into 4 simple words. Only those who really know are good at it.

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Behind the Glowal project is his temperament, experience and dynamism: with Alessandro, you always get straight to the point, but in the best possible way. His passions are many and varied. This allows him to see things with an ever new perspective: for him, the work team is the crew that makes his boat sail: he loves sailing. Alessandro is always at the opera and has sung opera as an accomplished tenor for years. Today, however, his goal is to improve the tenor of your skin.


Mechanical engineer, Founder

As with a blank sheet of paper and a pencil, with numbers you can imagine without boundaries, and create without limits. Just call them algorithms. Giulio is a mechanical engineer with a particular passion: algorithms, which over time have turned into a personal investment.

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The Glowal project reflects not only his experience as R&D Manager in robotics and industrial automation, but also his personality. For over 4 years, he has been transforming the ideas of numerous customers in the industrial textile field into machines that work. Every cog in every project he develops has one goal, to achieve maximum performance in the shortest possible time.


Pharmacist and cosmetologist, Founder

If something different comes out of the initial idea, it means it is the right way. With his degree in Pharmacy and master's degree in Cosmetology, Alessandro is able to translate any difficult concept from the world of cosmetics into 4 simple words. Only those who really know are good at it.

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Behind the Glowal project is his temperament, experience and dynamism: with Alessandro, you always get straight to the point, but in the best possible way. His passions are many and varied. This allows him to see things with an ever new perspective: for him, the work team is the crew that makes his boat sail: he loves sailing. Alessandro is always at the opera and has sung opera as an accomplished tenor for years. Today, however, his goal is to improve the tenor of your skin.


Mechanical engineer, Founder

As with a blank sheet of paper and a pencil, with numbers you can imagine without boundaries, and create without limits. Just call them algorithms. Giulio is a mechanical engineer with a particular passion: algorithms, which over time have turned into a personal investment.

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The Glowal project reflects not only his experience as R&D Manager in robotics and industrial automation, but also his personality. For over 4 years, he has been transforming the ideas of numerous customers in the industrial textile field into machines that work. Every cog in every project he develops has one goal, to achieve maximum performance in the shortest possible time.

Our Team

Our Mission

We are committed to respecting the unique characteristics of your skin and your skin goals by providing you with unique products, formulated from 0 just for you.

Our Vision

We advocate a new era of personalised instead of personalised skin care, dedicated to a single skin type, yours, no longer limited to the usual 4 standard types, combination, oily, dry and normal.

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Our Mission

We are committed to respecting the unique characteristics of your skin and your skin goals by providing you with unique products, formulated from 0 just for you.

Our Vision

We advocate a new era of personalised instead of personalised skin care, dedicated to a single skin type, yours, no longer limited to the usual 4 standard types, combination, oily, dry and normal.

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The laboratory

where everything is created and transformed