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The Glowal lab is unique

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The Glowal lab is unique

The entire project, from the choice of machinery to the supervision of the installations, was guided by the artist behind the idea: Alessandro. Like a painter choosing his brushes, we were satisfied when we obtained the perfect workshop. And it is always evolving

We use the latest and most innovative machinery:. Our scales measure the quantity of your ingredients with an accuracy of up to three digits decimal digits, our mixer is capable of perfectly mixing all the ingredients of your and our laser machine, the latest addition to the house, allows us to name the product: yours. product: yours.

We never stop:
our resistency tests

To ensure exceptional quality at all times we regularly carry out stability tests on the formulas. Our samples are subjected to thermal shock and days of UV exposure at high and low temperatures, to ensure maximum product strength and durability.

The entire project, from the choice of machinery to the supervision of the installations, was guided by the artist behind the idea: Alessandro. Like a painter choosing his brushes, we were satisfied when we obtained the perfect workshop. And it is always evolving

We use the latest and most innovative machinery:. Our scales measure the quantity of your ingredients with an accuracy of up to three digits decimal digits, our mixer is capable of perfectly mixing all the ingredients of your and our laser machine, the latest addition to the house, allows us to name the product: yours. product: yours.

We never stop:
our resistency tests

To ensure exceptional quality at all times we regularly carry out stability tests on the formulas. Our samples are subjected to thermal shock and days of UV exposure at high and low temperatures, to ensure maximum product strength and durability.