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Our algorithm is native and proprietary

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Behind every great idea is a great algorithm and ours can turn the colors of your skin pad and the answers of your questionnaire into numerical codes that speak the same language.

Following preset values, our algorithm is able to generate more than 600 million different formulas, corrected with the personal data of each test.

Once the process is processed, the algorithm sends the production BOM to the laboratory and a string of INCI on our site, to let you have a preview of what you will find in your customized product.

Behind every great idea is a great algorithm and ours can turn the colors of your skin pad and the answers of your questionnaire into numerical codes that speak the same language.

Following preset values, our algorithm is able to generate more than 600 million different formulas, corrected with the personal data of each test.

Once the process is processed, the algorithm sends the production BOM to the laboratory and a string of INCI on our site, to let you have a preview of what you will find in your customized product.