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Tailor-made is always better, but why?

A made-to-measure suit fits better than one size one size fits all, and that is undeniable. But on your skin what really change? It's all a question of quantity, quality and type of ingredients.

Choosing to use tailor-made formulas means respecting your skin and its needs.

Whatever brand, formulation or product you use, reveals its effects only after an initial trial period, which usually lasts a month. So, you may realise that you have done \a harm skin before you have actually done it, or, trivially, you have chosen a product that does not work for you, even if doesn't work for you, even though for someone else it is really effective for someone else.

So what can be done to prevent the use of unsuitable or ineffective ingredients?
You can perform composition and diagnostic tests, like our Skin Pads!

Tailor-made is always better, but why?

A made-to-measure suit fits better than one size one size fits all, and that is undeniable. But on your skin what really change? It's all a question of quantity, quality and type of ingredients.

Choosing to use tailor-made formulas means respecting your skin and its needs.

Whatever brand, formulation or product you use, reveals its effects only after an initial trial period, which usually lasts a month. So, you may realise that you have done \a harm skin before you have actually done it, or, trivially, you have chosen a product that does not work for you, even if doesn't work for you, even though for someone else it is really effective for someone else.

So what can be done to prevent the use of unsuitable or ineffective ingredients?

You can perform composition and diagnostic tests, like our Skin Pads!

The Glowal Method is unique and innovative, which is why this is why we filed the patent in UIBM on 4.10.2022 - No. 102022000020400

The Glowal project, beyond simple analysis

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Collection: Through the Skin Pads and the Skin Quiz we collect data about your skin your needs and preferences.


Processing: Once collected, the data are transmitted to our algorithm, which processes them and encodes them into numerical values.


Calculation:. the algorithm uses encoded data to calculate the perfect quantity and type of ingredients that will go to make up make up your tailor-made formula.


Creation:. the list of ingredients is sent to our laboratory in the form of a bill of materials and your customised formula is created from scratch.


Packaging:. once your tailor-made formula, the product is bottled in a bottle and placed in a box with your box with your name on it.

In this way, you can enjoy a fully customised product, created exclusively to meet the specific needs of your skin.

In this way, you can enjoy a fully customised product, created exclusively to meet the specific needs of your skin.

How we customise texture and feel

According to your needs and preferences, we customise the texture of your cream and the sensation you prefer to feel on your skin.

To do so, we do not drastically affect on yours: our algorithm creates multiple solutions with the same ingredients by varying the quantity in percentage, based on scientific data.

A great deal of cosmetic know-how behind it

We want you to demonstrate that our products really work and our motivation is simple: we have the necessary know-how to make high-quality products. Alexander, with his experience in cosmetology and pharmacy, has developed this expertise combined it with more than 6 years of experiments galenical experiments, tests and feedback from over 1000 valuable beta testers.

On the market, we set out to revolutionise the concept of skincare, moving from a personal personal solution to a customised one, capable of respect the unique characteristics of your skin: we create products, no longer designed for the 4 skin types of skin, combination, oily, dry and normal, but for one skin type, yours.

How we customise texture and feel

According to your needs and preferences, we customise the texture of your cream and the sensation you prefer to feel on your skin.

To do so, we do not drastically affect on yours: our algorithm creates multiple solutions with the same ingredients by varying the quantity in percentage, based on scientific data.

We want you to demonstrate that our products really work and our motivation is simple: we have the necessary know-how to make high-quality products. Alexander, with his experience in cosmetology and pharmacy, has developed this expertise combined it with more than 6 years of experiments galenical experiments, tests and feedback from over 1000 valuable beta testers.

On the market, we set out to revolutionise the concept of skincare, moving from a personal personal solution to a customised one, capable of respect the unique characteristics of your skin: we create products, no longer designed for the 4 skin types of skin, combination, oily, dry and normal, but for one skin type, yours.

If the goal has been achieved, we look forward to hearing from you.